Debbie Simpson QPM


When I left policing after 35 years I decided I wanted to continue to work but in a different way using some of the skills I had developed whilst serving. I was fortunate to serve in three different forces latterly as Chief Constable in Dorset. As a chief officer I held several national portfolios ranging from transforming forensics, disaster victim identification to being a co-director for officer fast track and chief officer progression. Since leaving I have been fortunate to work in a variety of roles but it is the development of people and leaders that has been my focus.

Working with P2P offers me the opportunity to help a range of people. From those wanting to join policing but perhaps with very little knowledge of the process or what to expect, to current officers and staff who want to progress to higher ranks. Through P2P I have also mentored several people in support of their career goals and helped those going for interviews or selection processes both inside and outside of policing.

In addition to P2P other complementary work includes working as a supervisor at Cambridge University for a Master’s degree programme in applied criminology and police leadership. The course is international and across all law enforcement sectors, government departments or those working within industry alongside law enforcement.

Currently for the UK the course is combined with a Level 7 apprenticeship. Within this it is imperative officers and staff understand how to evidence their own performance and leadership standards whilst applying academic learning to their particular law enforcement environment. For policing, the links to leadership standards, the issues of legitimacy, ability to prioritise through the enhancement of knowledge helps shape people for the future. I have also been fortunate to work with senior police leaders in India to promote better understanding of evidence based policing and its role within leadership.

Helping others achieve their goals is rewarding but by working alongside talented people within P2P, combining different skills and experiences, ensures the right combination of help can be provided to an individual or an organisation and that is something that is important to me too.

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