Crystal Small

Associate, Coach, Mentor

I made a commitment to myself long ago to only engage with projects that align with my values and create a positive impact. Working with Practice to Progress was the opportunity to connect with underrepresented groups and boldly encourage them to step into roles that meaningfully serve the public. To build trust within all our communities it is important that the face of Policing is recognised by everyone therefore diversity has become increasingly paramount in a world of multiculturalism.

I had the privilege of working for the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) in various headship positions including leading assessment centers for operational roles. The candidate experience was of great importance and I gained a unique insight into how we recruit individuals best suited to the job.
With a firm belief in who we are is how we lead; I have always admired people who embody a spirit of excellence. This is especially important when placed in positions of authority as it is not just what you do that matters, but also who you have chosen to be. The valuable work carried out by Police Officers relies upon individuals having both fundamental skills and an exceptional character of integrity.

After leaving the MPS in 2018, I set up Intentional Steps coaching practice to support individuals to identify a purpose, explore values, and bring into greater awareness of their beliefs and behaviours. Alongside this venture, I remained in a close relationship with the MPS by becoming a Community Associate as I understood the importance of the public being the first gateway to Police Selection. The Community Associate role was born out of the Mcpherson report following the Stephen Lawrence case. This effectively created an even greater focus on the role of unconscious bias and worked to ensure that assessment centers operated with fairness, were standardised and procedurally just. This rewarding work led me to become a Trainer and Quality Assurance Advisor of recruitment associates.

Dedicating time to coaching and mentoring those who aspire to become Police Officers is a heartfelt mission that I am proud to be a part of.

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