Jenny Donaldson

Associate, Coach and Mentor

After retiring from the Metropolitan Police Service in 2015, I have remained involved in supporting and mentoring others in policing.

Throughout my 32-year career, I have worked in various roles, including Territorial policing, Neighbourhoods, Public Order, and Covert policing. 

As a founding member of the Met’s Black Police Association (Met BPA), I have dedicated myself to supporting and empowering others. I have been involved in local promotion selection panels and have sat on Police and police staff application selection panels. In recognition of my continued support, I received an award from the Met BPA in 2016 for my contributions to the advancement and empowerment of women.

Since leaving policing, I have actively shared my career journey with young people in primary schools and youth groups. My aim is to encourage the next generation of candidates from underrepresented groups to consider a career in policing.

Additionally, I serve as a school governor in a diverse secondary school, where I chair the curriculum and pastoral committee and take responsibility for promoting diversity and inclusion.

Since late 2019, I have been an associate with P2P, where I assist candidates in understanding the recruitment process and preparing for the assessment centre. I have conducted group and one-to-one workshops and participated in role-plays for partnership exercises for senior police officers from various police services in the UK.

I am passionate about policing and grateful for the opportunity to continue making a difference and inspiring others in this field. 

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